Danger Computer

The danger computer

Articles tagged: history


posted by: Gar
filed under: code history

My super brilliant coworker Philip showed us a neat javascript sound generator he was playing with (source here) and it reminded me of one of the very first assembler programs I ever wrote. I hunted down the source code, and here it is.

.radix 16
org 100
        jmp short start

intro   db  0d
        db  'Piano! by GeorgeCo.'
        db  1a
notes   dw  0eee, 0e18, 0d4e, 0c8e, 0bda, 0b30, 0a8e, 09f8
        dw  0968, 08ed, 0862, 07e8, 0777, 070c, 06a7, 0647

start:  in      al,61
        and     al,0fc
        out     61,al
        xor     ax,ax
        int     16
        cmp     al,1b
        jz      done
        in      al,60
        and     al,0f
        shl     al,1
        mov     bx,ax
        mov     ax,notes+[bx]
        out     42,al
        mov     al,ah
        out     42,al
        in      al,61
        or      al,03
        out     61,al
        mov     ah,86
        mov     cx,0001
        mov     dx,6000
        int     15
        jmp short start

I'd love to walk you through this.

First here's a quote that I'm sure was the inspiration for this app, though I can't remember for sure. It's from my copy of the MASM bible for MASM 5.1

The IBM PC's speaker can be used to generate a tone by programming it via the 8255 chip at port address 61h and using the system timer (Intel 8254 chip) to control the speaker. You first set up the timer as an oscillator by sending the data byte B6h to the port 43h. Then you have to compute the ratio of the frequency of sound you want and the frequency of the timer's clock (1.19 MHz). This value is written to port 42h. The 8255 chip is then told to drive the speaker under the control of the timer. You can do this by reading port 61h and writing the value back with the first two bits set to 1 (performing a bitwise-OR with 3). This gets the sound going. Now you must wait as long as you want the sound to continue and then shut the speaker off by reading port 61h again and setting bots 0 and 0 to zero.

As you will see, this is almost 100% the path I took. I never ended up sending byte B6h to port 43h. I don't know why.

Here we go...

.radix 16
org 100

Assembler boilerplate, setting the .radix, or default base of bare numbers, to 16 (hexadecimal). Also sets the starting point of the app at 100 (hex, which is 256 decimal). This was the default for .com files. As such, numbers here are assumed to be hex unless specified otherwise (i.e. int 16 is really 0x16h aka 22 decimal)

jmp short start

intro   db  0d
        db  'Piano! by GeorgeCo.'
        db  1a

For some reason I was really into making it so if you were to type (DOS equivalent of cat) my program out it would show you what it was in plain English without any weird character codes. My .com files always started in this way, with a jump around a newline (which would move the cursor back to position 0, overwriting the bytecode for the jmp) and then a quick string describing the app (and sometimes usage info) followed by the EOF character 1a, which would cause type to stop output of the file.

GeorgeCo was what I was going to call my software company which obviously never became a real thing.

notes   dw  0eee, 0e18, 0d4e, 0c8e, 0bda, 0b30, 0a8e, 09f8
        dw  0968, 08ed, 0862, 07e8, 0777, 070c, 06a7, 0647

These were the precalculated values for the 16 notes (two octaves) I wanted to play. They were based on the a440 pitch standard. As we already know, the numbers were the ratio of the sound you wanted and the frequency of the timer's clock (1.19 MHz).

start:  in      al,61
        and     al,0fc
        out     61,al

Port 61 was the PPI (Programmable Peripheral Interface) port B on PC/XT systems. Bits 1 and 0 were the gate and data controls for the PC speaker (the little speaker inside the tower that usually beeped when you turned it on). Setting these both to 0 ensured that the PC speaker was off.

        xor     ax,ax
        int     16

Interrupt 16 was for accessing keyboard services. Calling it with ah set to 00 called the 'read (wait for) next keystroke' service. Once the interrupt returned al contained an ascii character. If al was 00, ah contained an extended ascii keystroke. In this app, the interrupt was being used for its blocking functionality only, A subsequent in call was made to get the scan code directly from the keyboard once the interrupt returned.

        cmp     al,1b
        jz      done

If the key that was pressed was escape, jump to the end of the program (and exit)

        in      al,60
        and     al,0f
        shl     al,1

Port 60 was the PPI port A which was the most recent scan code from they keyboard hardware interrupt. It was then bitmasked with 0f and doubled (because it will be a pointer to an array of words not bytes), using cbw to expand al into a signed word in ax. Since al could never be less than 10 I have no idea why I didn't just clear ah out instead of using cbw. I'm sure it was a weird optimization thing I've forgotten.

        mov     bx,ax
        mov     ax,notes+[bx]

Here we see ax being used as an offset pointer to the array of numbers in notes. The scancode we read from the keyboard has now been used to lookup and load one of 16 numbers from that array.

        out     42,al
        mov     al,ah
        out     42,al

To set the frequency of sound you want, you wrote to port 42.

        in      al,61
        or      al,03
        out     61,al

Turn the speaker back on, now at our frequency selected via the keyboard scan code.

        mov     ah,86
        mov     cx,0001
        mov     dx,6000
        int     15

This was the BIOS wait function. It went into an interrupt-enabled waiting period of cx,dx milliseconds. This was a nice short 'blip' duration I ended up with.

        jmp short start

Do it all over again, go back and wait for a keyboard input.

Well I hope you liked this little trip down memory lane. Thanks for reading.

NES Controller on a PC

posted by: Gar
filed under: code games history

Ok, so it's kind of a long story but at one time in my life I decided I really really wanted to play games on my computer using an NES controller. This was back in the late 90's, long before usb controllers made this a really easy thing to do.

Step one was to open up a controller and see if I could figure out how it worked. Turns out there was only one IC in there, an SK4021B. A quick look through a friend's dad's Mouser catalog showed that this was a shift register. My friend's dad cut out the schematic for the chip and I took it home. I then taped it to a sheet of graph paper and planned out which of the 8 inputs I wanted to map to each button on the controller. Here is the actual drawing I made:


full resolution

I choose to use the parallel port on the PC to control things because I knew it had enough pins that I could interact with to power and read from the shift registers of two controllers. You can see on the drawing where I mapped out the pins from the controller to the parallel port adapter. One trip to the hardware store and a few minutes of soldering and taping and I had myself an adapter that I could plug two NES controllers into and adapt them to the parallel port on the computer.

Now, I simply had to figure out how to get the computer to recognize the controllers. I decided it'd be simplest to read the buttons from the controller, map them to keys on the keyboard, and then use the ps/2 IO registers to trick the computer in to thinking those keys had been pressed and released in sync w/ the buttons.

You see, ports 0x60h and 0x64h can be used to directly talk to the ps/2 keyboard on a computer. All I had to do was send 0x62h out to port 0x64h, and then send the keyboard scan code to port 0x60h. The computer would take care of the rest, acting as if those keys had actually been pressed or released on the keyboard.

All that remained was to finish the app that would insert itself into the runtime of BIOS Interrupt 8, check the keypad, emulate any new key statuses it found, and return. Interrupt 8 was called every 50 milliseconds or so, which meant the controller would be polled much faster than I would ever be mashing buttons. Then I opened up my game of choice, set the inputs to the appropriate keyboard keys, and I was playing PC games w/ my NES controller.

A copy of the code I used can be found here. I may try to brush up on my assembler code and walk through it in another post, but for now I think this about covers the broad strokes.